Cartoons on Corruption, Misgovernance

January 30, 2011

Tweeple me_indian has toons on recent events & corrupt CON party’s mis-governance.


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Sickular Confusion and Retraction

January 23, 2011

India’s self styled national newspaper ‘The Hindu’ reported a news that was all fire and brimstone at the recent Supreme Court Judgement rejecting CBI’s appeal for death sentence at him.

The news was written by a ‘Special Correspondent’. It said “Expunge remarks against Graham Staines” referred to “Editors”, “civil society” Court remarks as “gratuitous” and “unconstitutional”.  In India by the way self certified ‘civil society’ and ‘editors’ are perceived by educated people as swear words considering the long history of media deceit that includes the recent Radia tapes release.

News was remarkable as it was an open defiance, contempt of highest judicial authority in the country, Supreme Court of India.

What is intriguing was that later in the day, the paper backed off. It retracted news. The retraction withdrew the ‘media backing’ to the self styled ‘civil soceity’. It was signed by editor-in-chief and cited inexplicable mistake by the special correspondent.

Citizens would like to know the truth on who was the special correspondent? The article even had the photo of smiling graham staines family by way of ‘special arrangement’. We would like to believe that the original piece was not a trial baloon to gauge reaction. The newspaper should come clean on who the special correspondent was as the editor-in-chief himself admitted that the act by special correspondent was a serious blunder.

Citizens have a right to know if the serious blunder was motivated by sickular idealogical corruption rampant in ‘The Hindu’ newspaper.  Read the rest of this entry »

Media Mafia fails to keep the Kashmir Hindu Exile News Wrapped

January 20, 2011

Media is supposed to be a watch dog for citizens. In India, media is corrupted. Main reason for this corruption is control of media by those whose agenda is anti-native. This results in dangerous subversion. What people watch as news is faked reality, carefully calibrated. Sickular agenda effectively contorts what Indian people see as news. Rise of internet has broken the media oligopoly. Thanks to the online efforts of bloggers & tweeple, now more & more Indians are getting a peep into reality.

This empowerment of Indian people among others was celebrated by Amitabh Bachchan, Bollywood Icon. Amitabh cited a recent article in DNA written by tweeple @Rajeevsrinivasa. Rajeev’s artcile specifically commends the work of tweeple @swathipradeep2 @barbarindian @preeti86 @sandeepweb and @atanudey for their work in de-mystifying sickular canards and exposing deceit. Now #barkhagate, #chormedia, #ibnlies, #mediamafia #radiamedia are part of lexicon.

Yesterday was an important day for Indians. A day when 21 years of Kashmiri Hindu ethnic cleansing by islamists got completed. It was a unique event in the annals of history. Hundreds of Thousands of Kashmiri Hindus, native people of Kashmir, were driven out through coercive threats. State government apparatus failed.  In the true traditions of islamist sickular discourse, the Hindu victims were blamed for their victimhood, a canard disabused by Governor of the state in 1990, Shri Jagmohan. Government apparatus

Indian Government propagating rogue notions of sickularism failed to provide security to Hindu people. Supreme Court was appalled this week that the Govt provides only verbal commitments and no concrete relief to Kashmiri Hindus.

Native Indian people discussed online ethnic cleansing of Hindu people in Kashmir. They even made this major onlne trends while organized sickular media mafia was muted and provided hardly any coverage on the event.

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Kashmiri Hindus enter 22nd Year of Exile

January 19, 2011

300 years ago, when islamists carried out their adharmic islamic project to convert native Bharatiya in Kashmir, natives had the wherewithal to resist. They could then very clearly see that Aurganzeb was foisting Adharma and they had to take a stand for Dharma.

Today because of the propagation of adharmic concept of sickularism which essentially is a cover for totalitarian (isai-islami-laal) dogmas based fascism, natives have not been able to bear the brunt of this evil.

Original natives of Kashmir were forced out by islamic Gun and the Indian state at best has provided only lip service. BJP offers sympathetic ears. CON party is reluctant to even offer that.

Bitta Karate who killed scores of Kashmiri Hindus Garlanded by Islamists

What can Kashmiri Hindus do. They have faced the brunt of islamic hate.

  1. Dont buy lip sympathy to your ethnic cleansing. Ask the ‘so what’ question to those that proffer lip sympathy? Ask what have you done to  de-legitimatise sickularism, islamic dogma responsible for your plight? Ask what have you done to amend articles 25 to 30 in Indian Constitution that enable sickular hate and create an environment for subjugation of Bharatiya?
  2. There will be those that will tell you, dont peddle victimhood and move on, a sermon sickulars would never make to isai or islami. Tell them that reclaiming your dignity and space is not victim-hood. Dont get conned by multiple layers of deception woven around sickular narrative. Call it out for what sickularism is – clear and present evil.
  3. Dont expect some great hero will come out and fix your problems without effort from your side. This is a mistake many Indians do and has to be avoided. And face it Bharatiya are friendless. Most of the so called secular/humanitarian organizations have an agenda and unlikely to go beyond offering lip sympathy. Ditto for sickular controlled media. Challenge for Bharatiya remains organizing themselves for their own welfare and Dharma’s wellbeing.

If Indians had learnt the right lessons from partition, Kashmir would not have happened. Sickularism ensured that in less than 2 generations time (1947-1989), ethnic cleaning happened in Kashmir. Ethnic cleaning of natives would happen again and again unless natives do not call out the sickular bluff; recognize & undermine desert dogmas for what they are – intolerant hate towards non-believers. It is incumbent on anyone who is Bharatiya and cares for Dharma to take a stance against sickularism.


B Raman catches Saba Naqvi, Outlook Distorting His Views

January 16, 2011

In native Bharatiya Dharma, deceit manifested for doctrinal goals is a sin. Among others, MK Gandhi wrote about the importance of Satya in the discourse. In the asuric & sickular narratives, ‘means’… justfy the ends.

If you understand the above, you can make sense of the distortions carried out by Saba Naqvi and Outlook Magazine. Saba Naqvi ended up twisting the telephone  interview of B Raman, Retd Additional Secretary, RAW. Worse Begum Saba Naqvi attributed thoughts to B Raman which he never made..Malicious that. Not surprisingly, B Raman was appalled and issued a public rebuttal in his blog-post, tweeted about it.

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Tweet Twisting: Old Media Habits Die Hard. Prannoy Roy School of Deceit Journalism is Dead

January 13, 2011

Please tell us why tweets get Subverted?

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NDTV Barkha Dutt and her Hate Mobsters Gang Cross the Line: Manifest Dastardly Behavior

January 8, 2011

barkha dutt forms a gang of mobsters who manifest hate

ZIM has higlighted  NDTV and Barkha Dutt as subversive forces inimical to Indian interests. Kargil, 26/11, Radia tapes have conclusively established, low morals practiced by Barkha Dutt. If anyone thought the above to be the rock-bottom in her behavior, they are mistaken. Read the rest of this entry »