NDTV Barkha Dutt and her Hate Mobsters Gang Cross the Line: Manifest Dastardly Behavior

barkha dutt forms a gang of mobsters who manifest hate

ZIM has higlighted  NDTV and Barkha Dutt as subversive forces inimical to Indian interests. Kargil, 26/11, Radia tapes have conclusively established, low morals practiced by Barkha Dutt. If anyone thought the above to be the rock-bottom in her behavior, they are mistaken.

Shameless Barkha Dutt and who she called gang of mobsters have manifested behavior that make Ravan and Duryodhan saintly.


Swathi Pradeep an outstanding cartoonist and blogger has been at the forefront exposing the deceit manifested by NDTV’s Barkha Dutt. Swathi’s insightful cartoons (Set 1, Set 2) have done a terrific job educating the common people on the obnoxious behavior of Barkha Dutt and her motley crowd of big media deceits.

Barkha Dutt has been fooling Indians for a long time. While insightful Indians were aware of her deceit, it took Niira Radia tapes, for unplugging of Barkha Dutt in public perception.

Using grandiose titles for shows like ‘We the People’ and deploying a craftily selected participants and questions, Barkha Dutt was among the shrill minority that tried to pass their deceitful selves as India’s conscience, interpretors of political events and  attempted to slyly subvert the narrative undermining Dharma.

Internet proliferation and social media applications like Twitter where feedback from common people  exposing Barkha dutt type deceit is instantaneous has seen her public persona getting cut down to size. The highly energetic and insightful Swathi with her brilliant educative cartoons accelerated the process. Her  cartoons all clean – make the point, that barkha dutt is a pucca deceit. Swathi’s commendable efforts exposing media deceit were also cited in Huffington Post by the former Deputy Police Commissioner of Mumbai. Check the last para of the Huffington-Post article here.

Barkha Dutt responded by setting up a Hate Mobsters Gang:

Barkha’s Mobster gang member, Ranvir Shorey, who oozed out chivalry and lectured to a tweeple on the language one should use talking to a lady (the lady – his mobster gang leader barkha dutt) had no qualms manifesting criminal behavior and abusing Swathi. Manifest double standards were appalling. Chk out

Tweeple Nataraj pointed out that Ranvir Shorey is guilty of criminal behavior:

“When his shameful behavior was pointed out, Ranvir ends up rubbing salt further. He blames the lady for his misdemenour and peddles a regret that is singularly ineffective in unassuaging the lady’s hurt. The difference between a specific apology to the victim of Ranvir’s act and a general regret is a ‘Big’ deal and reflects rather poorly on the character of Shorey”.

“His action is criminal Under Section 509 of IPC (India Penal Code): Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman is a punishable offense. Ranvir’s behavior is punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year”.


In India it has been repeatedly seen that some people are law in themselves. Using connections, big money, people have been undermining Dharma, basis for Indian nationhood; and they have been getting away with rogue behavior. Ranvir Shorey has refused to apologize while claiming that he apologised – just the sort of clever-by-half deceit his mobster gang leader barkha dutt manifested through her ‘error of judgement’ crap, after she was caught on tape, helping corrupt looter A Raja’s candidature for the ‘wet’ Telecom Ministry. Ranvir and Barkha have shown not a bit of remorse for their highly despicable actions.

Ranvir Shorey has sought to justify his rogue behavior by citing initial provocation. Excuse of 1st provocation by Ranvir fails because many of Ranvir’s tweets, in the 1st instance could be considered provocative by many. Expletive after expletive after expletive – obscene, leud and sexist. Swathi had called Ranvir, boot-licker for many would consider toadying to NDTV mediagate, barkha dutt. Words like chamcha, lackey, boot-licker are put down words. What was done by Ranvir Shorey was Criminal Abuse. Rationalization of Ranvir Shorey criminal behavior as normal or as understandable is severely deplorable; all the more as it was manifested by a public figure in a public forum.

Stop rationalizing Ranvir Shorey criminal behavior as normal or as understandable.

Behavior of Barkha mobsters’ gang is something many hate groups deploy. When faced with inconvenient truth, criminal abuses, slander are among the final refuges of hate-mongers. While ZIM never expected ethics or decent behavior from pretentious Barkha and her cohorts, ZIM believes major lines have been crossed by Barkha and her ‘mobsters gang arm’ Ranvir Shorey because of their all consuming hatred of Swathi Cartoons. They need to issue an explicit apology to Swathi Pradeep ASAP.

It is time for native Indians stop putting up with abuses from well-known charlatans that peddle hate from the cover of slogans like secularism, liberalism etc. Take a stand for Bharat and for its spirit Dharma. This necessitates a stance against Barkha’s gang mobster’s criminal behavior.

did i wake u up

You can not cheat 'most' of the people all the time


4 Responses to NDTV Barkha Dutt and her Hate Mobsters Gang Cross the Line: Manifest Dastardly Behavior

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Prasanna Viswanathan and others. Prasanna Viswanathan said: RT @ZoomIndianMedia: http://wp.me/pvyy0-g7 NDTV-Barkha/her hate mobsters gang cross the line. manifest criminal behavior @swathipradeep … […]

  2. Prashanth K.P. says:

    ZIM, that a hedonist idiot like GSurya and a few of his lineage in the likes of Barkha, Saagarika, Ranvir, Academichelp etc. dwell in Twitter with their filthy mind & language is not only disturbing but setting up an unprecedented culture of personal tirades. This should not happen on this platform. Whilst #Barkha has found no recourse to her declining fame fortune, she finds solace in these filthy like-minded bigots.

    That Swathi has put up some brilliant expositions of #Barkha goes without saying. It has been much appreciated in Twitter circles too. Their reaction has been unbecoming and filthy in the least, caressing a porno cult they perhaps are used to. This should be exposed and stopped.

    I for one, stand in the forefront along with you guys in this anti #barkha campaign, if initiated.

    Yes, she has to apologize to Swathi!

  3. Sush Jaitly says:

    One can understand the predicament of the likes BDutt who are paid to say what they do by powers that be but Ranvir Sheroy talking in defense of BDutt is plain naivety, stupidity and ignorance, all combined.

    Another thing which we can all take heart from is that all these mobsters have now been shown their true worth by bloggers and tweeple, something which was unimaginable when there was no internet.

  4. realnewscorp says:

    And now she receives another award: realnewscorp.wordpress.com

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