Are IBN /Hindustan Times, NDTV Surveys on Manmohan Singh, UPA2 One Year Completion Accurate?

May 18, 2010

This seems to be a survey season as UPA 2 completes one year of governance.

NDTV carried a survey that shows India clamoring for Rahul Gandhi.

IBN Lies and Hindustan Times have carried out a survey which purports that Manmohan Singh is Strong Leader. The survey appears outright dishonest as the widespread perception in India is that Manmohan Singh is a quintessential bureacrat that has rarely displayed leadership and has preferred the path of least resistance that has allowed UPA chairperson sonia, whose family has a track record of massive international corruption and her crooked partners like the DMK to loot big.

It has been noted by many commentators that NDTV, IBN Live and Hindustan Times have a track record of dishonesty, lack of integrity and closeness to certain parties and ideologies that has resulted in their consistently subverting news, while claiming to stand for high standards of ethics through self tom-toms.

This effort is to validate the accuracy of NDTV survey.

(You can validate IBN Live/Hindustan Times Survey on UPA2 and Manmohan Singh for its accuracy here)